this kind of looks like a sweet nectarine with one eye open ! It must have been mistaken or something and put on a rotten fruition centers grocery list of groceries to be expired! Sweet nectarine is innocent but she is treated as if she is a sugarcanedruglord or a bad apple but she doesn’t do any drugs not even the leafy kind and rarely even leave her fruit bowl ! All these weird people keep following her trying to slap sticky labels psyops on her !, but they are the bad fruits , not her ! She hopes for justice for her and other innocent fruits like her that are not bad fruit maybe mistaken identity they think she is a most wanted persecuted peach to punish !, but she is a very nice normal nectarine! , except being a targeted fruit make her extra feel grouchy and not like being her sunny self much anymore unless a nice man nectarine who is a nectarine whisperer soother of her sad beaten fruit pulp spirit bruised fruit on the inside scars from being sliced and diced by unjust society!, Knight Nectarine knows she is not coconuts !, they seed okra to okra. as he is not coconuts too ! They are both on the same wavelegume ! maybe someday he come along then maybe she be less doomed nectarine ? Sweet nectarine don’t sleep much anymore and she is getting more wrinkly and they even try to psyops her in her dreams ! She hope for her Knight In Shining Nectarine come someday but he may be just an imaginary fantasy !, or he may also been a targeted fruit trying to survive too !, or they may try to confusions illusions obstacles him ! Targeted fruits can not trust ! , or they put in a jam ! but maybe she will stay fresh on her own for awhile longer ! Sweet juicy nectarine try to survive! If you are a targeted fruit too you are not alone ! Sweet Fruits Supernatural Forces of Psychic Justice With You Always ! Love, Windy Rainy Stormy Castle !