At some plant nursery nursing homes (though some maybe caring !)Houseplants patients may needs water they press the buzzers but some buzzers may not function or some buzzers for unknown reason do not get response! The stranded potted houseplants patients ask a few times if they please give them water !, but time passes and water does not arrive ! sometimes the plants patients caregivers may forgotten about the plants thirst levels maybe they are understaffed critically low on staff to plants patients ratio or too busy ! some caring plant caregivers bring them water , but maybe some uncaring or forgetful or a different caregiver every day every night !sometimes they haven’t have time or a chance to or forgotten to give them fresh food and water ! The forgotten plants drinks their own teardrops to survive until the hope of water may arrives and they hope someone caring remember the plants confined to their pots with no indoor rainclouds to naturally nourish them and the feeling abandoned plants unable no energy to walk to a faucet or hold the stems of their necks up or hold a cup they please need water ! , and ice !, They also need lots of fresh cold big sweet grapes !, and healthy sandwiches with fresh vegetables and protein for energy !, the plant nursing home may have too salty unhealthy menu tooThe with not fresh plant food the plants don’t feel well after eating the meals there ! plant patients without visitors or patients with visitors but alone after visiting hours may be extra vulnerable of not having access to water and food and if their pots need to be changed they maybe sitting in soaked soil for a long time if not enough caring staff unavailable they may not have any visitors to help with their needs too ! Especially at short staffed places ! The plants patients say thanks so much to the conscientious compassionate ones helpful caregivers who remember to care about plants patients perspectives preferences comfort and needs! , when they are confined to their pots and not let them perish in plants prisons ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!