The Last Ancient Vampire Bat flying away from Judgmental Persecution from Unknown Enemy Groups Of Artificial Vampire Bat Cave Society that all think the same thoughts their brains all share same signal frequency ! , where they persecute the creative freespirits that are different from their groups cave beliefs! Ancient Vampire Bat is Real Bat does not belong to their narrow cold cave wall societies ! Real Ancient Vampire Bat Has A Spacious Supernatural Freespirit !, The unknown enemy groups deploy legions of fake Vampire Bat cyborgs and fake moth cyborgs to be weird around him and swarm him in society for unknown unjustifiable reasons ! He feels total sadness of the surreal situation that has been unjustly invisibly scripted against conscience individuals by conscienceless groups that desecrates divine universal rights but he happily holds up his middle bat wing paw as he flying away one wingbeat one sad heartbeat at a time towards real Moon and real stars which naturally glows in the darkness he feels its energy Happy pumpkin moon hope brightness ! He safely follow what he trust is True to him (though he extra protects him in everyway from everything and everyone anything can be taken over such as those zombie cat amoebas or zombie cicadas or zombie ants what looks like what you thought you could trust could suddenly change at any point by anything unknown could happen to it any form has now been potentially change forms bodysnatched ! Ancient Extraterrestrial Bat thinks scifi selfdefense and scifi survival skills is maybe imperative for the past present and future! ,such as how to jiujitsu a cyborg in selfdefense like what if one is hiding behind a shark fin and skims up fast on you in the ocean !, or if a cyborg mind controlled by a zombie cicada skydive into you when you bending over tying your shoelace , then what ! or how to protect your brain and dreams !, on a scifi level! How to discern reality from scifi futuistic technology gone wrong in wrong hands or malfunctioning! anything scifi good or bad could happen in the past present future! Scifi futuristic safety plans just in case such as from all scifi movies !, sci-fi self defense inspirations !, in addition how to survive stranger than fiction of the past present and future! He already flying away to his own Independent Utopia Visionary Bat Cave !, he has different flights of fancy beliefs such as in beautiful freespirit Extraterrestrial Vampire Bats ! It turns out that he is an Extraterrestrial Vampire Bat too ! Extraterrestrial Bats Someday Supernaturally Echolate To Extraterrestrial Ancient True Love True Original Trajectories (not artificial false sensories or artificial false synchronicities scripts !) Their Way To Eachother They Find a Visionary Scifi Ancient Futuristic Extraterrestrial Vampire Bat Warriors Lost Tribe that rise perseverance through multiple apocalypses ! , they help and Love each other unconditionally ! (This is just a creative writing roughdraft! I try to make it better later !) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!