Empress Penguin Sees Unknown Enemies Groups of Polar bears or Unknown Allies groups of Polar Bears with for unknown reasons seem to unless mistaken have Sights Set On Her ? Or it just her imagination? For Very Unknown Reasons that don’t make sense ! ! Hopefully they just want to be her caring boyfriends ! But they make a strange high pitch sea creature sound like ghosts of whales haunting oceans !, whenever they pass her !, so she thinks they must be enemies because allies would not be weird !, like that ?! She has no clue how to decipher their arctic signals if they come in peace or if they want to eat her for dinner ? She is a good penguin !, perplexed why she is on an unjust undersea radar blipping ! She just likes to eat smoked oysters and drink frozen drinks like nonalcoholic daiquiri ice! She does not want to be polar bear sushi ! Empress Penguin has a psychic glowing glowy key in her starry mind ! , and a rusty very flawed lost map Bermuda Triangle shipwreck treasure chest key uncharted territory of her lost shipwrecked penguin pocket !, She is not sure what her quirky and flawed ancient extraterrestrial magic keys inside her penguin do yet ! The suspected enemies unknown polar bears seem to follow her around in icebergs ! , making high pitch sea creature sounds ! , She Loves real polar bears and real creatures though! Empress Penguin has lots of flaws but she is innocent but having polar bears act weird makes her not feel like able to safely be her natural pleasant penguin self when enemies surround she shields behind her igloo ! She unnaturally grouchy in unnatural grouchy-inducing environment! she may accidentally tell others to beak off you blankety blank beakers before !, because she could not tell who was enemy who was ally ! She is not sure if anyone will like to be her boyfriend someday because then the weird polar bears may follow him in icebergs and making high pitch sea creature sounds at him too ! for unknown reasons! Empress Penguin hopes if someday she find her Emperor Penguin that he stay safe from the weirdness of the unknown polar bears ! Or if the weird polar bears be weird to her that her future Only Emperor Penguin ancient extraterrestrial penguin embrace her with his warm caring unconditional penguin flippers ! , he is the only one who able to understand Empress ancient extraterrestrial penguin ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!