Creative Peach Photography! Ancient Extraterrestrial Alien In UFO Peach Come To Rescue An Ancient King ! He is persecuted by legion of unknown enemies for unknown reasons ! He refuge in a dark cave with airflow for ventilation safe from carbon monoxide!, a nice waterfall too ! with ancient magic fire , he makes a nice fire and cook fish the fall from sky carried in water funnel tornadoes across the seas and rains in the mountains fish !, and coconuts !, and bananas !, too ! , and peaches ! King Ancient fire glow casts an Ancient Extraterrestrial Shadow on the cave walls ! It lights up his surroundings !, he discover An Ancient persecuted Psychic Visionary also takes refuge in cave ! And an ancient persecuted mystery person in a cape is also there taking refuge ! A persecuted phoenix bird is there too ! taking refuge ! , and other persecuted sentient beings refuge there too ! They all become a loyal tribe of surviving being unjustly persecuted by online and offline community of inhumanity ! The fearless unconditional wise Ancient Extraterrestrial venture into pits of persecution to rescue them all and takes them to Happy Planet !, where they all enjoy peach nectar and peach icecream and peach BBQ sauce and peach wine and peach jam and peach pastry and peach cobbler and canned cold sweet peaches ! They are no longer persecuted!, they apeachiate eachother individuality and they don’t care whoever unknown unethical groups is against them because those unknown groups of weirdos are epitomy of evil to inhumanely psyops and persecute innocent individuals and the unjustly persecuted against legion of unawesome , the unjustly persecuted are terrifically beyond awesome !, and they are all thankful to found eachother someday ! It also looks kind of like a seismic rift ! Also i drop an avocado seed on the floor yesterday and it split in half ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle !