this is kind of abstract but it looks kind of like a ferocious fangy ancient scarecrow werewolf flower ! It was once very sweet !, but Planet Earth has become an evil experiment an artificial full moon created to turn flowers into werewolves and pelted with barrage of evil conscienceless silver robot hornets !, turn it very grouchy now !, it maybe have C-PTSD ? (complex post traumatic stress disorder?) now it don’t trust anyone anymore and ancient scarecrow werewolf flower try to scare away anyone or any suitors now !, but there may be one fearless Ancient Bee Warrior Love King !, with an unconditional chemistry strong psychic animal instinct intuition for ancient scarecrow werewolf flower! He maybe want for her to be his honey ? He may like to bring her a box of wrapped chocolate covered honeycomb candy to pacify her and longingly prolongingly perseveringly insistingly tenderly caringly unconditionally lovingly stingingly pollinate her passionate turbulent tumultuous temperment !, as he is of a ferocious fiery untamed wild primitive cavebee passionate temperament ! He is like a Love beest ! (Beast!) With her open arms Maybe she will hug bracingly embrace him instead of suddenly tackling smack him away ? They may have a no bumblebees barred no holds barred (I forget what that means but i hear that expression before!) intense Love War resistance action adventure wild jungle movie primitive wrestling unconditional Love fight match between formidable flighty fanged Love opponent ancient scarecrow werewolf flower and punchy zippy bold masterful high intelligence fully in control Ancient Bee Warrior Love King ! Ancient Love Warrior Bee Love King overpower wild irresistible psychic flower scent of ancient scarecrow werewolf flower psychic perfume ! He go crazy and buzz forth with determined might full strength full speed full steam ahead !, full power to powerfully Love collision collide into midair unconditional strong arm Love combat !, with padded boxing gloves ! , and hard hat helmet ! May the best Ancient Warrior Bee or best ancient werewolf flower win ! After their big fights !, they shower with soothing honey soap and both relax on couch and enjoy refreshing sparkling fruit flavor sweet wines fruit nectars and have a romantic delicious TV dinner !, and enjoy delicious dessert! They both happy and peaceful happy ever after !, and they enjoy cold sweet , peach halves in heavy syrup ! , and cold sweet , bread and butter pickles ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!