Ancient Extraterrestrial Angel and Ancient Extraterrestrial Turtle Angel Leads Ancient Extraterrestrial Man Onto Extraterrestrial Shipwreck With His Extraterrestrial Pet Turtle ! , with her feathery angel feathers she tap him repeatedly on the shoulder he pretends to be led !, to humor her or maybe to humor himself !, too !, but he is already Captain Angel Extraterrestrial !, he slides in shipwreck smooth under polished lemony wooden shaft panel and he takes over her malfunctioning hard to turn wheel ! , he unlocks her wheel now turns with ease !, with lots of elbow grease ! ,watching for ice accumulations tips of icebergs as he details and repairs shipwreck back into a solid sailing with buoyancy seaworthy ship ! , in rough oceans everywhere that was creaky now reinforced with Captain Angel Extraterrestrial of Love life saver! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!