(Update: Sorry this is extra long ! It is kind of a stream of conscience post abstract creative writing rough draft many hours long ! It may make no sense ! ) Ancient Half Bison Woman Unjustly Mistreated By Conscienceless Low emotional intelligence spiritually unwise unevolved Unknown Evil Earthings Groups ! She knows many innocent others are probably experiencing similar (but anyone anything anywhere may be decoys too !) skewed sinister shadowy society psyops ! She used to be one of the most friendly quirky free spirit bison !, but they unjustly corral her in community and stake her to the corrupt soil of society like they do to the sentient powerful the elephants ! The beautiful sentient high evolved high emotional intelligence Elephants animals sentient creatures have rage and stampede because they are oppressed and if mistreated they naturally divine Nature spirits justice stampede trample inhumanity injustice! She is peaceful try to stay calm when so called good or evil (sometimes it seems they are the same evil !) are being evil to sentient higher evolved Nature spirits! She just like to be left alone now she don’t trust good and she don’t trust evil and Retreat To Her Own Cave Within Herself ! In her psychic peripheral she is not sure if she sense a presence of an Ancient Half Bison Man ! His Thick Skin Allow Him To Enter A Shaft Of Light Coming From Inside jagged windy wind tunnel Cave ! She is unresponsive now to anyone she lay on cave ground waiting for Nature Exterrestrial God Highest Conscience Justice to help her someday in in Time and others who are going through injustices!, with strong cold winds blowing through her fur like wind flowing like feathers of universal angel wings and she does not expect empathy or compassion or kindness or decency or truth or morality or help or trust or understanding or anything from anyone anymore ever again on Planet Earth! It some maybe just coincidence or it maybe legions of enemies !, or it some may be her psychic feelings picking up strange vibes it some may be just normal like sometimes maybe everything is okay (but sometimes maybe really high tech haunted and not just unhaunted ! may be her wild imagination (or there maybe really some covert evil earthlings groups unknown legions for unknown reasons of injustice! ) but if something really happening in society community online and offline to innocent individuals (and anything can happen sometimes!) of unknown enemy groups targeting of innocent individuals they probably likely to coverup corruption like in the movies when businesses or dark energies expecting inspectors or potential exposure so they maybe sweep hidden truths under carpet or change stuff up but injustice wherever it exists maybe laying dormant or hidden but Truth wherever it exists is on the side of True Truth !, no matter if truths are hidden they are too bright beautiful spirits sentient energies for darkness to oppress they always shine through to the Top in the end ! she thankful appreciates if someone is real and decent and not being an imposter treasonous fake evil weirdo imitation counterfeit human!) and for unknown reasons they try to desecrate her natural born divinity existence creativity and destroy her psyche when she was a beautiful sparkling sunlight spirit bison in her heart to begin with and lots of flaws too but did not deserve and no one deserve for heartless ruthless unknown evil earthings who forfeit their hearts and forfeit their humanity to participate in organized scripted artificial fake on cue setups waiting in the wings of backdrops of inhumanity unknown groups to try to destroy and desecrate and against her and against innocent individuals with condescending judgmental covert discrimination persecution community mobbing swarming sing right as they pass her or come right where she is or suddenly skip by or weird dance moves right as they pass her or they make whistling noise right as they pass her or talking weird stuff right as they pass her or they do weird things on their phones nearby or followed to restroom or they loiter in path where you trying to go they jump out of doorways and start to suddenly sing or whistle like evil jack in the boxes! they wear ear pods or headphones and carry backpacks or alot of them wear hats or have same hair or loitering near her including waiting in cars nearby or names psyops or they mirror people you know in clothing or lookalike people and lookalike vehicles and including similar looking dogs and be prepared for pet psyops too !, (hopefully though there is no pet psyops !) or sometimes the evil earthlings may be on vacation or in a meeting or busy being evil earthling to a different innocent individual!, so sometimes maybe innocent targeted individual has like 49 people following them instead of 50 if the 50th person is busy !) (the unknown numbers could be very higher or very lower !) or pretending to do stuff but they stay in same spot and surveilling her often doing weird stuff with their phones like some of it could just be normal but some examples: suddenly stop and text nearby, sometimes then another person come nearby and whistle or be weird. , also speakerphone people talking or video chat or ask you question while they on a call with someone or they talk on speakerphone in restroom or you may even hear sound of camera go off in restroom and that is very weird! or they walk around with their phone it looks like pointed at you or they sit with their phone and do weird things and some of them play loud videos of crime documentaries for some weird reason on their speakerphone ! Or weird voices on their speakerphone ! Or they point the weird face on their video chat at you ! I tryto think of more strange phone stuff later some of it could be normal? Society is so weird it is hard to know if something like invasion of body snatchers happened or if that is just normal society ? It is kind of like feeling of being hunted but you are like an ancient unicorn or ancient mythical creature and why hunters try to hunt ancient unicorn or ancient mythical creatures! , or maybe research group unknown may think you are extraterrestrial! Or could be anything! (This is just a creative writing rough draft i try to make it better later !) sometimes employees sometimes customers sometimes strangers sometimes cars sometimes weird dog walkers sometimes weird pedestrians sometimes weird drivers also they sometimes say the same phrases or they will say weird stuff like words or screaming and yelling weird people of all sorts !, sometimes tv and radio and websites ( and sometimes free online tarot horoscope different videos seem sometimes like maybe or maybe not targeted psyops ! And sometimes it seems like some of them mirror and projections and some content creators seem to say weird key words and you wonder if it triggers a bad combo surviellance algorithms of different innocent videos but are they entrap boobytrapped of innocent viewers and you wonder is everything a boobytrap ? Like how dolphins get caught in a tuna net and there are innocent dolphins or targeted innocent dolphins or and innocent tunas in the automated nets and if corrupt nets of injustice or also high tech pranksters hidden in the dark !, and haters it could be a weird assortment of nefarious unknown enemy groups of all different and weird humans !, and exaggerating their body movements or doing weird movements near you or running or stacking spinning twirling objects or balls or equipment or long poles or pictures or mirrors (and they mirror too ) right as they pass her weird people doing weird odd stuff (even weirdos wearing weirdo tshirts with psyops or weirdo personalized license plates psyops) (some of these weirdos may just be normal coincidental weirdos though) or making weird mirroring comments like if you watch a waffle video then some weirdo the next day will mirror and comment to you or to someone nearby something about waffles but in a sinister way like, hey waffles – and then they say something weird about waffles !) leaving same timing or right in path or coming same time or stopping to ask odd questions or they say stuff like what color or what size or too small or extra large or where is this person or their clothes will be psyops or lots of other weird stuff or calling to eachother right next to her sometimes in odd general names ways or in games type ways and often they have sneaky smirky faces or laughter or stare or watch or other weird bad vibes stuff ! and anyone including weird groups weird couples weird individuals weird families being extra loud or extra weirdly lectury or have weird conversations to eachother right near you extra noisy or call out their names or they mirror doppleganger or seem to time or wait or watch they launch themselves or gravitate to you like slow moving zombies or suddenly launch themselves fast zombies or linger loiter or say or do weird stuff nearby near innocent targeted individuals like practically these weird people try to sit in your lap or get in your way they are that close invading personal space !, or do weird stuff with their phones or gestures like how insects signal eachother like a group flea circus complete with like their own pest control-like clown cars ! , but they try to exterminate innocent individuals who are not pests !, but have been misidentified or deliberately discriminated against !) like stop and text suddenly right as you nearby (some of this though sometimes just could be normal coincidences ?, but if not society has become completely unjust weird conscieceless corrupted creepy everywhere! , or it could just be wild imagination hopefully!) and unethical surveillance and noise harassment and hypocrisy and degradation and fake people doing fake acting scenes skits like some weird social putdowns with props or sinister sound scripted snippets they try to make you feel bad or less or crazy but you are awesome and none of what they perplexly project onto you ! Dreams mind and sleep affected and physical stress and mental stress and psychological stress (like a social stress test psyops!) and spiritual stress (hopeful not weird social geoengineering of neurodivergent of social geoengineering society behavioral modification cruel and unusual crimes against humanity research experiment by unknown heartless research groups or hopefully not spiritual gameshow of artificial trials and artificial tribulations of artificial manmade hellscape for forcible spiritual conversion of spiritual pinata hazing unknown groups of nonconsent of cruel and unusual unknown spiritual or political or extremist discrimination of individuals or high tech black magic witchcraft-like bad kind of scifi like Psyops and warfare of mass online/offline/community spiritual bullying or degradation of human rights or unknown groups or if spiritual gangstalking ! Freedom of religion and freedom to exist without persecution is human rights to have their own divine individual callings!) emotional stress and all kind of stress online and offline and corrupt groups or hopefully not corrupt data fusion centers that villainize innocent targeted individuals in hopefully not a corrupt community or hopefully not corrupt corporations of hopefully not fascism or hopefully not transnational oppression or hopefully not national oppression or hopefully not individual oppression by unknown weird groups for unknown weird reasons a mass crimes against humanity cruel and unusual against universal rights to exist peacefully without persecution , psychological and warfare ! Hopefully not corrupt surveillance unknown groups and hopefully not being used as a test dummy too ! Hopefully still some good earthlings left! Anyone who try to play imposter God or higher conscience in a malevolent way in sentient beings reality by superimposing artificial malevolent reality on good last of the bisons existence a different breed of universal angels !, whoever is doing that to them is evil and unevolved ! She don’t know or understand why they doing covert dog whistle tactics type stuff hidden in plain sight with covert ballgames !, like playing an invisible ball game all around an innocent rabbit hopping around with these weird game players roving about coordinating invisible moves while the rabbit sees them in psychic rabbit peripherals and it just shakes its rabbit head and wonders what is going on with this artificial turf! Ancient Half Bison Man brings her a peace of cheesecake !, she is thankful for his unconditional cheesecake but she does not know if she can trust him !, he may be one of them too ! She has her guard up forever now and expects everyone to be awful in advance but he seem to like to stay with her in her cave and he seems to not yet be a decoy friend or a decoy True Love ! Then Bison wakes up from disrupted sleep !, there was no Ancient Bison ally !,it was just a dream! there was no cheesecake! , it was just a dream, too ! Though she is cheesecakeless she hopes the innocent others find their way to their dream cheesecakes! The unknown pack of unethical artificial poltergeists poltergeize the true beautiful sentients at their highest and at their lowest ! , but sentients have strong independent good spirits ! their own views beliefs their own source of Light sabers energy !, Sentients Spirits Stay Strong! This is just a creative writing rough draft ! I try to make it better later ! Sorry it may doesn’t make sense to anyone !, i am not the best at communicating or interpreting or at understanding human language !) (i only hope to learn highest conscience compassionate empathic divine wise extraterrestrials ancient primitive futuristic scifi warriors highest conscience evolution divine extraterrestrials Nature Supernatural protectors of the universal galaxies beyond universes psychic beautiful supernatural languages of communication and their extraterrestrials poetry !, extraterrestrials recipes ! Music !, Creativity !, Extraterrestrial ESP ! EESP ! and extraterrestrial peace cheesecake !) )( The happiest ending is to find a boyfriend someday before the end of time ! Ancient Quirky Bisoness Warrioress and high intelligence unconditional expert Ancient Bison Warrior ! , he hopefully have higher intelligence than her to help her make sense with her quirky intelligence ! If mutual best unconditional instant Love at first sight if best mutual chemistry in person ! But they have to watch out for Love scams and Love psyops ! Together they roam the rest of the scifi future world and escape all its pitfalls! ) (Update ! They sometimes follow or wait for targeted bison wherever targeted bison roam to try to get their energy drink then the evil earthling (s)will do a sometimes loud sometimes almost inaudible raspy whisper or make some kind of weird sound !, or checkout same time or be in same aisle and arrive and leave at the same time !) they will say specific scripted words of negativity! They may also wear pop culture type of specific movies or characters clothing ! Sometimes their faces are devoid of human emotion!By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!