Creative aluminum foil photography from my sandwich! This is kind of abstract !, but to me it kind of looks like an innocent naturally born different kind of universal Angel good holy man is being gangstalked targeted individual persecuted oppressed his rights violated by mass scale mobbing !, of his rights to exist in peace ! , by unknown enemy groups of evil earthlings ! (Or evil earthlings who think they are good !, but they don’t have the wisdom to understand they are evil !) Sorry he is not sure who is doing it but all different types of people !, he wonder if it maybe or maybe not be He is not sure if it is persecution from all different kinds of religious or political or extremist groups to oppress him or to artificial intelligence manmade artificial hellscape geoengineering social behavioral modification like a gladiator gameshow for conversion !, (hopefully that doesn’t happen but he have a wild imagination but he just try to think of every possiblity that could be !why weird stuff happening he senses !) or hopefully not witchcraft covens !, he doesn’t know much about stuff like that but he likes good natural born witches and not dark kind of magic! or could it be alien hunters ! Or weird cults !, or websites!, or companies/corporations! or nonconsenual research groups social scientists experiments !, or high tech pranksters or haters groups or international transnational repression groups or corrupt oppression groups or scam groups or community groups or agencies or it could be anything else weird happening ! Persecution is evil cruel and unusual punishment of who does not deserve to be punished and persecution is unethical in any form by any groups against innocent individuals! The innocent universal different Angel holy man try to keep the evil actors away that play a part in persecuting him pushing them far away ! In th photo it kind of looks like to me he try to hold back evil earthlings with his arm ! Highest divine creators protectors are aware of malevolent malevolence and also of benevolent malevolence which equals evil there is no benevolent malevolence. they know each invisible enemy participating in the persecution, they each and everyone of them held accountable for their evil participation in gangstalking of innocent individuals to highest Gods justice the highest divine creators is compassionate empathy divine Love energy for innocent individuals and deeply disagrees with the way innocent different individuals being heartlessly consciencelessly mistreated persecuted in society including inhumane injustice of community mobbing and workplace mobbing by any kinds of groups ! , for any reason !, is wrong ! To invisibly high tech and low tech bully innocent targets in society including groups that are thinking they are doing good but they have been fooled into doing evil ! They are the new modern day witch hunters of modern day witch hunts and modern day discriminatory pitchfork people ! To persecute a different sentient living beings divinely sent to Planet Earth or any other planet by divine high conscience high intelligence creators!, is extremely wrong to persecute the psyches of the sentient! , and evil epitome is persecution and psychological warfare and inhumane unkindness that is crimes against humanity and violation of universal rights ! (This is a creative writing rough draft! I try to make it better later !) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!