creative aluminum foil photography! (I Love to photograph aluminum foil! This one looks kind of like a dragon keeping its dragon egg warm ! Then it looks kind of like a a King winking ! He looks kind of like an Emperor Penguin King ! , it look like penguin about to mount iceberg! Also it looks kind of like a Mans face accelerating and an ancient Extraterrestrial accelerating and a half man half extraterrestrial in an UFO accelerating ! They are all accelerating to safely meet an unconditional Love date with ancient half extraterrestrial woman ! They all bring her lots of yummy snacks sweets fizzy drinks and desserts !, in person ! In exchange for extraterrestrial thank you smooches unconditional! (She kind of have bad teeth though and misfortunately she kind of have an undesirable body too her spacesuit sustained damage from meteorite storm! so she inly right for unconditional suitors ! , for long term ! , if mutual unconditional Love at first sight in person if mutual best destinys! instead of hugs and kisses she just blows them an imaginary kiss in the air ! And hug them with imaginary hugs ! If they like they can grab air kiss and place it on their unconditional cheek!, and air hugs and place it in their uncondionall arms ! They are all carefully not to fall for Love scams from outer space ! They only meet in person safely for vintage innocent style romantic date like sweet ice tea (safe -tea !) and cucumber sandwiches! They only able to be Pluto-nic ! (Platonic!) they only activity they maybe do together is to moisturize each others thirty extraterrestrial feet ! , or eat potato chips together ! Then the last photos a King is poking his head in a rushing waterfall to take a quick cold shower and drink refreshing cool delicious happy ice water from waterfall by poking his head in and out of the powerful waterfall his crown acts as a nozzle he turns it to difference settings the waterfall it sprays splays all over onto him and his robe soak up sopping wet like 1000 pounds of drenched water feeling !, extra water too he hoses lots more waters down into his thirsty happy horses ! They shake splashing the rainbow water droplets in their heads and manes in rippling puddles of happiness ! (This is an extra silly creative writing rough draft !) (i try to make it less silly or more silly later !) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!