Creative aluminum foil photography ! This kind of looks like Ancient Warrior Men in Capes or Cloaks ! They are stoic and stern as they listen to sound of water in waterfall cave ! , to find their way to their ancient girlfriend! , she fell off the waterfall ! They thankfully rescue her and she takes them to enjoy a nice picnic after they pick up yummy stuff from a farmers market with baskets of fruits and nuts and delicious foods and drinks ! , and ancient desserts in the beautiful mountain forest ! , with lots of different delicious foods and drinks to taste ! ,and they take home leftover foods and drinks for dinner ! , and they take home ancient girlfriend too ! They wash all the sweet sticky jams that they got on them from sweet fruit tart on their cloaks ! , and jump in hot soapy sudsy foamy happy splashy bubble bath with leftover sweet tart ! , then they have more midnight snacks !, and watch TV ! She is happy they help pull her safely from torrential waterfall ! , and they enjoy yummy ancient delicacies delights ! (This is extra silly creative writing scifi rough draft ! I try to make it better later !) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!