Creative Pear Photography! Ancient Extraterrestrial Psychic Pear Tries To Approach Gladiator Arena Fruit Bowl With Calm Stoicism! And Become Super Gladiator !, And Escape Gladiator Arena of Rigged Fruit Bowl !, Of Evil Earthlings Pear Poachers ! Pear Has Naturally Primal Rage As Anyone Would !, Deep Within because it has a conscience and a sense of justice!, So It May Be Challenging Especially When Evil earthlings Purposefully orchestrating Instigate And Trigger And Setups and Evil Earthling Scripts to try to disturb Awesome Pear !, Pear Try To Stay Unaffected by Evil Agendas And Psychological Warfare and War against Innocent Psychic Pear ! by Unknown Enemy Groups! Pear hold up its middle stem, stoically ! It try to return to it’s natural peacefulness no matter how they keep doing cruel covert unusual crimes against humanity mobbing targeting !, Super Gladiator Psychic Pear Already Has Won against these heartless behind the scenes evil role players that unaccountably anonymously abuse their power hidden in plain sight to discriminate unethically against Peaceful Pear! ancient Psychic Extraterrestrial Pear Super Gladiator Warrior becomes more awesome everyday despite the injustices !it experiences in a conscienceless heartless corruption society that do injustices without remorse to what they try to destroy! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!