in a world of psyops and Manmade surveillance sinister synchronicities sinisterchronicities society of evil engineering!, true synchronicity just like true cloud true rain true snow true wind true star true anything true everything is hard to discern !, why the unknown enemy groups being evil ,what to trust,but everything can change in a moment !, and crimes against humanity degradation of the human heart human spirit animal spirit too !, sentient being spirit!, divine violation of human and animal and sentient beings conscience !, heartless hustlers and heartless henchmen of deep profound unkindness unethical evil injustices to innocent individuals !, in broken luck of evil psyops society the supernatural and extraterrestrial outcasts yet they have Psyops-proof buoyancy Light Energy in their Consciences!, they find True Love !, under their own four leaf clover umbrella in the rainstorm of Pandora’s box of Psyops they protect eachothers psyches from !, with loyal genuine real warm true unconditional friendship! and they Love eachother in real time look eachother eye to eye the only genuine left and they turn away from all the evil psyops meanspirited callous conscienceless judgmental society and tune out as the tragic evil clowns puppet show charade them with their mockery of the sentient beings is harbinger (that this is happening no longer a harbinger but it already bing!,) the Psywar war between The Consciences versus The Consciencelesses it already here!- , it may be the pod people took over the earth! Trust your own heart and not the fugly hearted reflections of society’s projections and dehumanizing of innocent individuals !,humanity is sinking !, a slow moving disaster it hit the iceberg of psyops! , Psyops is evil ! as the Conscience stand in the rain together!, the last ones ! , but they are not alone! Also he is a kindhearted Vampire with a Conscience ! , He holds the umbrella! She tell him all her worries !, and he heal her with his all weatherproof Lucky umbrella of Unconditional Love!, and Loyal Unconditional Friendship! Kind Vampire of Conscience help make everything apocalyptic everyday apocalypses feel better in a society of organized evil systems of heartlessness ! (This is just my creative writing my rough draft title but I try to make it more make sense later !) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!