Random post ! Creative writing rough draft ! Maybe some evil earthlings or/and if maybe some coworkers /customers /any people if any may or maybe not but could be are gangstalkers may say weird directed conversations stuff near targeted individuals /you or magic words like such as abracadabra and open sesame !, i think these words are maybe used by both good and evil earthlings too !,but i notice who may be evil earthlings often say this too so I don’t know what it means though ! It may be some kind of weird psyops ! Or they may do weird directed conversations about political or sensitive topics that may trigger words of bad algorithms !, ?when you are just trying to do your own thing in peace such as they will say to eachother near you that they have big heads !, or something about toys ! or insulting stuff ! or something about names (Everything and anything may be a psyops! Or artificial dream seeding of visual props ! And 80s horror movie references! And vintage cartoon characters such as the kind with big ears and often on tshirts and once big ears tshirt was making whistling noise too it is like a sinister vibe though like tall long bearded evildwarves! and movie characters and vintage pop culture! And sports logos !) The evil earthlings get noisier with their whistling singing noises or weird mouth noises (sometimes maybe it just coincidentally but i could never date anyone who whistle or be deliberately annoying with sounds !, since i may developed c-ptsd complex stress and misophonia! From multiple evil different workplace’s and other places whistling noise harassment and psyops from obnoxious noisy evil earthlings deliberate disturbing of peace in any way and any chance they can! or weird phrases weird conversations weird words weird body language weird body movements such as often they crouch ! And when they are not standing there looking like an evil mannequins doing weird stuff with their phones or wearing weird tshirts they often they clasp their hands behind their back for some reason as if they are prisoners when they walk but maybe this is just how humans walk ? (Like as if earthquake or as if they try to sniff a werewolf ! , when they crouch!) Sometimes it is like they get an inch closer they practically in your lap such as if you try to look at books or everywhere immediately swarm into radius like slow moving zombies gravitating towards you ! They mirror words you say like if you say cute or oh no ! , or what you ate or drink they will do a directed conversation about health too ! Or say insulting stuff nearby or fast moving jumpscare zombies ! Then they ask you for favors that distract you and if you don’t feel comfortable doing them they get mad or ignore you!, or sing /noisy more around you! and often they coughing too or indirect direct insults or weird stuff for example such as you pass them even though you are not near enough toaccidentally ramming your cart /rack into them but they say weirdly ouch as they looking down at their phone just standing there drinking from straw then they call out the name Monica as they on their phone it is a fill in the blank psyops so the first part would be harmonica they do weird time lapse delayed psyops where your brain may take time to solve the weird psyops puzzle ! but it maybe just be the cold season when they cough )Weird psyops props and weird references and artificial synchronicities artificial similarities and weird written things too such as tshirts personalized license plates anything written could be weird including car decals ! They often call out someone name nearby as they see you ! Their doing weird stuff on speakerphone such as crime documentaries and also weird beats of music and also someone on video talking to them and their phones beep as soon as you walk by or the phone will have weird music they will whistle as they pass you and families wearing the same color such as yellow will leave at same time as you follow behind you and head to car parked right next to you and they kept passing nearby you in the building earlier or standing there stopping in middle of wherever to text or do or say weird stuff or static sound they even do speakerphone in the restroom! Or they do weird stuff like hold the restroom door open while someone whistle out there As soon as you in restroom someone follow you often ! Or they stand by props then call attention to where they are so you can see their evil prop setup! , such as a hell sign ! Or tshirts with biohazard alien sign or other weird words ! , such as afflicted ! , they often leave out toy dinosaurs everywhere! Like maybe they think you are a reptile ! Or throw balls in the air toss objects in air! And wearing weird clothing too !, they make right as they pass you ! , or they multiple weirdos just stand near you and be covertly weird. It maybe just coincidence maybe everything is okay maybe everyone are just weird !, but or maybe It is like psyops pinball game or psyops pool table where they all setup !, and you are the pinball ! It may be manmade heartless hauntings by judgmental hypocrisy of evil unethical earthling groups to oust and disturb or to do weird mind tricks unethically to innocent people ! For some reason they often wear backpacks big headphones and earpieces and speakerphone and walk around with their phone to their ear or on video or pretending to look at stuff for a long time in one place or as a family or as a couple they always look like they are smiling in a sneaky way or their face is devoid of expression or their eyes look like in an evil spacey trance or empty vacant ! or as an individual but all of them are the same weirdness . They often park right next to you and leave the same time. Sometimes as you pass their phone beeps or they set off their alarms or honk, or they already waiting for you in different multiple spots pretending to look at stuff and then they ask you weird questions like about flannel or other weird stuff they say the same words or phrases. Even online videos they say the same phrases or words especially i notice on on live tv/radio so it could be (or maybe not be maybe normal )multiple groups online offline coordinating targeting of innocent targeted individuals. If you have a blog too they may weird mirror/mock aspects of it to psyops you! Such as if you post quotes then suddenly they start doing psyops quotes also in workplaces they may be weird to you or yell out your name in a hostile way ! Or they may be peeking on your blog that you not aware of and using it to psyops and mock you ! Or it might feels like they maybe try to insinuate that your blog is bad when it is meant for older adults and doesn’t have anything bad in it except romantic werewolf vampires and sea creatures! Some of it could be just a coincidence or haters but it could be deliberate covert /overt weirdness by weirdos. It could be anyone everyone involved, or maybe just the world is weird and could be coincidence sometimes! , or could be something else weird happening! To be continued , this is just a creative writing rough draft!