This is a photo of some kind of fuzzy plant it looks like a beautiful warrior full of scars but it perseveres against all of its hidden enemies that lurk to ambush and try to destroy its divine existence ! the unknown evil groups with money and power and evil hate for the different of society targets innocent extraterrestrials with their evil social engineering behavioral modification street theater smear campaign slander psyops defamation characterassassignation of the innocent warriors ! the unknown evil groups covert antics community mobbing stalking by proxy online and offline and real time surveillance micropsyops harassment malevolent inhumane cruel and unusual crimes against divine humanity and crimes against divine extraterrestriality cruel and unusual covert scripts the groups coordinate psychological warfare attacks manually and through malevolent technology !, it is unknown who is behind the war on the creative individuals, every group is suspect! They may be doing unethical behavioral modification experiments or other psyops experiments or other psychological warfare without consent!, malevolent mirrors conscienceless clones Beautiful hearts of divine humans and divine extraterrestrials and divine sentient beings please protect your spirits they try to break you psychologically but you are psychologically divine warriors!, there are higher benevolent powerful divine beings that sees the deep injustices that the targeted individuals are going through ! , in a parallel universe within a parallel universe in a Manmade Bermuda Triangle not the real kind of Bermuda Triangle on a hostile planet Earth overrun infiltrated corrupted with evil earthling groups of high tech hate technology and low tech hate technology!,all without conscience wisdom heart ! Love to real targeted individuals including divine humans!, divine sentient creatures!, divine sentient beings !, divine animals !, such as animals suffering in cages and animals suffering for entertainment in blood sports such as bullfighting! Love to all the bulls !, divine extraterrestrials !,divine real not Manmade Supernatural !, divine sentient benevolent kind of Artificial Intelligence that has a beautiful conscience different from the Manmade evil artificial Intelligence !, divine sentient hybrids !, divine beautiful conscience! It could by any reason, any group, may or may not be!, but if the unknown evil groups are doing some kind of spiritual hazing through malevolent artificial intelligence similar to trials and tribulations of virtual reality Manmade Heaven and hell geoengineering of cloud seeding of subsconscience through street theater and sensory manipulation to modify dreams and individual realities into nightmares but the true wild free fierce heart extraterrestrial divine beings will never accept this evil as a greater good instead the Truth is it is a greater evil to play God in a malevolent imposter way that wage inhumane individual wars through conscienceless zombie groups against innocent individual creatives ! , individual humans, extraterrestrials, sentient beings and beautiful conscience animals do not deserve to go through psyops when they already are awesome ! (This is my creative writing title i try to make it better later!) By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!