this is kind of abstract ! A Queen gets hot bath ready for a bearded King ! She turns the faucets to his favorite temperature! She adds nice bubblebath! There is a tray of his favorite food like salami or pickles and cold drinks too ! He enters the steamy bathtub ! Queen is shy so she does not join him in bathtub because she eat too many snacks and not sure she could fit in there and also in case she have sharks hiding in her hair ! , she doesn’t want King to get bitten by sharks while he relaxing in nice bath ! She just dip her bosom in the bubblebath !, so he have some safety lifesavers nearby to grab onto just in case !, so he doesn’t drown! , in case suddenly splashing frenzy of tidal waves happens ! , he has a waterproof raincoat , rain hat , and rain boots handy !, just in case ! She don’t give him a beer in bath because it maybe not safe to drink and bath ! They enjoy frosty beers later !, or nice nonalcoholic beverages ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!