this kind of looks like a Male Extraterrestrial Alien Man !, he like to find a human mate but he encounters an extraterrestrial female ancient rose instead! She has thorns but her UFO heart is a tattered rose that fully blooms with sweet softest warm Love fragrance just for him! She cannot give him extraterrestrial rose babies though because her flower is extra ancient and extra thorny! She wish him to find a new Love mate to procreate his beautiful extraterrestrial bloodline! Ancient extraterrestrial rose woman gives extraterrestrial alien Man her caring pressed flower petals ancient friendship caresses instead ! (The thing that looks like udders or toes was part of the plant ! , she is untouchable platonic plant she don’t want to scratch him with her thorns but she instead caress him with the extraterrestrial Love spirit of her plant toes or her plant udders!) She let him go into the wind so he can fulfill all his happiest dreams and all his happiest missions! Ancient rose though tattered and Thorned no matter how darkness of world she finds warmth in the spirit of the primitive extraterrestrial ancient pure beautiful loving golden Sun! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!