Lone Wild Wolf Woman thankfully does not speak human language! Unknown enemy groups of heartless henchmen hunters keep orchestrating the same phrases words conversations sounds visuals frequently in online videos and offline everywhere !, near her , such as why do they keep saying “It is what it is.” ? , she is bombarded with peculiar confusion phrases and some other words and phrases , too ! Wild Wolf woman focus on her own real true Howl ! She listen to her own calling and the calling of what is True ! and not stay distracted by mass coordinated efforts to do nonconsensual malevolent unethical experimental immoral unaccountable group organized scripted psyops artificial sinister stimuli (stimu-LIE) of unknown intention done to innocent individuals! She will never trust anyone who try to do weird psyops on innocent Wild Nature spirits! They use lots of people to do psyops pantomimes and sounds and phrases and words and conversations to do unkind negative energy of evil against good Nature spirits! , to hurt their psyches and socially terraform terrorform their online and offline reality in unison with evil projections ! Wild Wolf woman is real and highly intuitive like the Wild Wolf ! She is beautiful creative psychic spirit !, and does not deserve to be ganged up on by giant evil spiritual conspiracy by spiritually sadistic entertainment of immature high-tech heartless hypocrisy of unknown evil earthlings enemy groups ! She flips everyone off with her middle lone Wolf paw to whoever is participating in doing weird cruel and unusual crimes against humanity !, patronizing psyops of degrading desecration discriminating injustice against innocent individuals ! This is just a creative writing roughdraft! I try to make it better later !) Wild Wolf Psychic Eyes See All The Enemies Hiding Covert Corrupt Camouflage ! She is not alone !, she can sense other true wild psychic wolves in the distance ! The psychic wolves have been deeply experiencing profound social injustice !, it has been devastating destroying desecrating of their individual divinity their right to exist peacefully on a divine scale ! , to be unjustifiably covertly inhumanely group persecuted by unknown enemy groups and unknown community society unjust oppression when you are innocent individuals ! By Windy Rainy Stormy Castle!